Friday 5 September 2014

Today's Review: Raspberry Millions

It's been a good while since I've had a tube of Millions, and I'm sure there are a hell of a lot more flavours that have cropped up since the strawberry and bubblegum days of infancy. So, confronted with a grand display of assorted Millions in a newsagent earlier, I decided to go for the raspberry. Probably not new, but new to me.

I never had any doubt about these, and I was right. If you've tried Millions you know they're good. Tiny, chewy candy pieces, that are refreshingly juicy. There's real raspberry juice in these, and while it may only be 3%, that's certainly enough to create a distinctly raspberry sweet experience. As always, these Millions are chewy, but not too chewy. They didn't get stuck in my teeth, but they certainly lasted long enough to make the tube a good value purchase. Good stuff.

My rating: 5/5

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